Digital marketing companies have evolved over time. People's reactions to advertisements have shifted. It is now time for businesses to leverage digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience. As a result, traditional marketing channels are no longer viable. Furthermore, the global economy has been severely harmed by the Covid-19 pandemic, and businesses have no choice but to go online.
The most popular platforms being used right now are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube according to social media marketing companies. Digital Marketing Consultants are designed to target consumers in the most effective ways to achieve the best results for business needs. This is not the same as advertising. A digital marketing agency works with businesses of all sizes to determine the best way to engage and convert clients and prospects.
Brand Awareness
One of the primary goals of modern digital marketing is to increase brand awareness or the degree to which customers and the general public are acquainted with and recognize a specific brand. Because of the impact on brand perception and consumer decision-making, increasing brand awareness is important in digital marketing agencies and marketing in general.
Recent trends indicate that businesses and digital marketers are prioritizing brand awareness, focusing more on cultivating brand recognition and recall in their digital marketing efforts than in previous years. A 2019 Content Marketing Institute study found that 81% of digital marketers worked on improving brand recognition in the previous year.
Another Content Marketing Institute survey found that 89% of B2B marketers now believe that increasing brand awareness is more important than increasing sales.
Increasing brand awareness is a key component of digital marketing strategy for several reasons:
> The increase in online shopping. According to Statista, by 2021, 230.5 million Americans will use the internet to shop, compare, and buy products, up from 209.6 million in 2016. According to Salesforce research, 87% of people started searching for products and brands on digital channels in 2018.
> The importance of digital interaction in influencing customer behavior. Online interaction with a brand is estimated to influence 70% of all retail purchases made in the United States.
> The growing importance of brand awareness in online consumer decision-making: 82% of online shoppers looking for digital marketing services prefer brands they are familiar with.
Online methods used to build brand awareness
To raise brand awareness among consumers, digital marketing methods may include one or more online channels and approaches (omnichannel). Such techniques or resources as:
Search engine optimization techniques can be used to increase the visibility of business websites and brand-related content for common industry-related search queries. The growing influence of search results and search features such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local SEO on customer behaviour is said to correlate with the importance of SEO for increasing brand awareness.
The purchase of ad space at prominent, recognizable locations at the top of search results pages and websites constitutes PPC advertising, also known as search engine marketing (SEM). It has been demonstrated that search advertising increase brand identification, awareness, and conversions. When users click on sponsored adverts, 33% of them do so because the ads explicitly answer the questions they were searching for.
Increased brand awareness is the primary objective of marketing on social media sites, according to 70% of marketers. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are the most popular platforms now used, according to social media marketing companies. Due to its capacity for business networking, LinkedIn has been recognized as one of the social media sites that business executives utilize the most as of 2021.
Brand-focused blogs, articles, social updates, videos, and landing sites, according to 56% of marketers, increase brand memory and engagement.
So, in the age of digital marketing, let's hire a Digital Marketing Company to drive more traffic to the owner’s website, improve customer engagement, and increase brand visibility. The team's skilled digital marketing consultants assist every business in generating more leads and sales.